
Showing posts from September, 2018


Stones “You are so stupid!” A stone. “Can’t you do anything right?” A stone. “You are worthless!” A stone. “Why do I even put up with you?” A stone. “You should never have been born!” A stone. “You will never amount to anything!” A stone. "You're ugly!" A stone. "You're fat!" A stone. "You're a failure!" A stone. One day, she looked up and saw the smallest sliver of sky, piercing the darkness beneath the walls of gray stone that had been built around her. She removed one stone. Then she removed another. And another. And another. Until she had a road paved with the stones she’d removed. She walked down the road and never looked back. (c) Copyright Kris Biffle Rudin 2018 (An earlier version of this story appeared on my personal blog, in 2015)