Gratitude Challenge
This past fall, I was in a rather significant depressive episode, brought on by the worsening of my chronic illness due to a minor car accident. I lost all the progress I had made in the previous year, and was actually at my worst state in 14 years of illness. I was sad, angry, and hopeless. Thankfully, I've been on an antidepressant for several years, and I see a psychologist regularly, so I had some good tools in my mental health toolbox to help me through this period.
But this time, I tried something new, something I'd read about but never put into practice. And it's really quite simple: at the end of the day, write down three things for which you are grateful. That's it. And you know what? I really enjoyed doing it! It was a challenge to find not just one or two, but three things that I was grateful for on any given day. Doing this practice helped me realize that even though my current physical state really sucked, I still had good things in my life. Some days these things were simple, such as good coffee or having wifi. Sometimes they were more profound, such as having a supportive husband or having friends who care for me. But it was always helpful for me to sit down at the end of the day and think about the things for which I was grateful.
Now, this wasn't the only thing that got me out of my depression. But it definitely helped. And it's a practice I continue to this day. Personally, I've been posting this list on Facebook, but you certainly don't have to do that. You can just have a small notebook or journal for this purpose. But I have had many friends say they are encouraged by my gratitude lists, and others who tell me they've started the practice, too. So for me, making my lists public serve a dual purpose: I help myself and I help others. And I love to help others - so I get twice the benefit!
Now, if you are struggling in life, if things seem hard, or depressing, or blah, I challenge you to start a daily gratitude list. Three things, every night. Private or public, your choice. But just do it, and do it regularly. I believe you will find benefit in it, just as I did.
But this time, I tried something new, something I'd read about but never put into practice. And it's really quite simple: at the end of the day, write down three things for which you are grateful. That's it. And you know what? I really enjoyed doing it! It was a challenge to find not just one or two, but three things that I was grateful for on any given day. Doing this practice helped me realize that even though my current physical state really sucked, I still had good things in my life. Some days these things were simple, such as good coffee or having wifi. Sometimes they were more profound, such as having a supportive husband or having friends who care for me. But it was always helpful for me to sit down at the end of the day and think about the things for which I was grateful.
Now, this wasn't the only thing that got me out of my depression. But it definitely helped. And it's a practice I continue to this day. Personally, I've been posting this list on Facebook, but you certainly don't have to do that. You can just have a small notebook or journal for this purpose. But I have had many friends say they are encouraged by my gratitude lists, and others who tell me they've started the practice, too. So for me, making my lists public serve a dual purpose: I help myself and I help others. And I love to help others - so I get twice the benefit!
Now, if you are struggling in life, if things seem hard, or depressing, or blah, I challenge you to start a daily gratitude list. Three things, every night. Private or public, your choice. But just do it, and do it regularly. I believe you will find benefit in it, just as I did.
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