Gratitude Challenge
This past fall, I was in a rather significant depressive episode, brought on by the worsening of my chronic illness due to a minor car accident. I lost all the progress I had made in the previous year, and was actually at my worst state in 14 years of illness. I was sad, angry, and hopeless. Thankfully, I've been on an antidepressant for several years, and I see a psychologist regularly, so I had some good tools in my mental health toolbox to help me through this period. But this time, I tried something new, something I'd read about but never put into practice. And it's really quite simple: at the end of the day, write down three things for which you are grateful. That's it. And you know what? I really enjoyed doing it! It was a challenge to find not just one or two, but three things that I was grateful for on any given day. Doing this practice helped me realize that even though my current physical state really sucked, I still had good things in my life. Some days the...